An easy idea for the weekend – how many of you make your own kernel popcorn? It’s so simple and tastes great, plus you can really experiment with making it as salty, sweet, spicy or a combination thereof, as you want it to be.
Here’s a recipe for ‘fancy’ popcorn made with walnut oil and truffle salt.
You’ll need:
- 1/2 cup popcorn kernels
- 1 tablespoon Walnut oil
- 1 tablespoon truffle sea salt
1. Heat up oil at medium-low heat in a medium-sized pot with a tight-fitting lid.
2. Put the kernels in the pot, shake them around a bit to coat, and cover with lid.
3. The really is no 3rd step – just wait for them to pop. When there is a pause of longer than 3-5seconds between pops, shake the pot a bit (with the lid still on), and take off heat. Toss with lots of truffle salt and dig in!
Not only did you just answer a question of mine (what happens if you pop kernel corn with oil that isn’t of the standard types?), you have me all a-twitter with the possibilities. Walnut oil – sounds delicious!!!
Enjoy! It was a bit of a whim but it is so great – less oily and so much more flavorful.