So what if you got home tonight and decided that you needed a nice, filling, savoury snack? But one that was super-quick to make i.e. instant gratification.
Creme fraiche & shrimp omelet
You’ll need:
- two eggs
- grated parmesan cheese
- dill/green onion/parsley/whatever you have
- shrimp (cooked)
- creme fraiche/sour cream/yogurt
- salt, pepper, spices
- sherry vinegar
[The above ‘multiple choice’ ingredients are in order of preference)
1. Beat two eggs together lightly in a bowl, add about a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of cold water. Season.
2. Mix shrimp, creme fraiche and dill (or whichever herb you’re using). Add a tiny bit (about 1/3 tsp) sherry vinegar.
3. Fold shrimp/creme fraiche mixture gently into the eggs.
4. Microwave for between 1-1.5minutes on medium-high (about 600-650w). You’ll see the eggs begin to rise – as they reach top of bowl, turn off the microwave.
5. Sprinkle with parmesan and dig in!
I can make good eggs without the stove?!?!?! Consider my morning routine changed! If I were to use egg white and laughing cow do I need to add anything to that it will cook properly in the microwave?
a bit of water I would say and generous with the laughing cow:) don’t overzap it!!