Hawaii is such a beautiful place that takes one back to our true roots – those bound in the gifts of nature, of wilderness and savage beauty.
It still amazes me that you can travel so far yet be in the US, while feeling like a world away.
The sunset on Haleakala took my breath away (I could also see my breath because it was so cold!).
It also provides a great reminder of how we shouldn’t take nature for granted – ever – and how we need to take notice of it all around us, all the time.
Hawaii gives you that little bit of everything – sunny skies, beaches, mountains, foggy rain and jungle, forest greens.
Look out for my new Travel Guide to Maui later this month!
I could have used a Hawai’ian vacation this winter! I think we may have had more ice and snow than the rest of Canada this year.
It was pretty jarring to come back to all the snow and ice in New York too! Stay warm 🙂